Following are the extracts of the Ordinances of the University of Mumbai relating to the A.T.K.T. provisions from the First Year to Second Year B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. course and from Second Year to Third Year B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. course.


A.T.K.T. provisions from First Year B.A. to Second Year B.A.:
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Second Year B.A. course must have either
(i) have passed the First Year B.A. Examination, or
(ii) have kept terms for the First Year B.A. course and have failed at the First Year B.A. Examination in not more than two Heads* of passing (i.e. not more than 200 marks) in which case he will be required to appear for the First Year B.A.
Examination in the remaining Head/s in which he has failed either previously or simultaneously with the Second Year B.A. Examination and his result of the Second Year B.A.

Examination will not be declared unless he has passed in the remaining subjects of the First Year B.A. Examination.*Where a subject consists of two or more theory papers only the maximum marks of the combined Heads of passing of the theory papers will be considered for the purpose. Where a subject consists of two or more theory papers and practicals, the maximum marks of the combined Heads of passing of theory papers, and the maximum marks of the Head of passing for practicals, will be considered for the purpose.

A.T.K.T. provisions from Second Year B.A. to Third Year B.A.:
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Third Year B.A. course must have either
(i) passed the First Year and Second Year B.A. Examinations, or
(ii) passed the First Year B.A. Examination and have failed at the Second Year B.A. Examination in not more than two Heads* of passing, total, of which shall not exceed 300 marks,in which case he will be required to appear for the Second Year B.A. Examination in the remaining Head/s in which he has failed either previously or simultaneously with the Third Year B.A. Examination and his result of the Third Year B.A.

Examination will not be declared unless he has passed in the remaining Head/s of the Second Year B.A. Examination. Further, a candidate who has failed at the First Year B.A.Examination in not more than two Heads of passing (i.e. not mare than 200 marks) and has passed in all the subjects prescribed for the Second Year B.A. Examination will be permitted to keep terms and appear for the Third Year B.A. Examination. But, such a candidate will not be declared to have passed the Third Year B.A. Examination unless he has passed in the remainingHead/s of the First Year B.A. Examination.
*Where a subject consists of two or more theory papers only the maximum marks of the combined Heads of passing of the theory papers will be considered for the purpose, where a subject consists of two or more theory papers and practicals, the maximum marks of the combined Heads of passing of theory papers, and the maximum marks of the Heads of passing for practicals, will be considered for the purpose.

A.T.K.T. provisions from First Year B.Com. to Second Year B.Com.:
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Second Year B.Com. course must have either
(i) passed the First Year B.Com. Examination, or
(i) have kept terms for the First Year B.Com. course and failed in not more than two Heads of passing (i.e. not more than 200 marks) at the First Year B. Com. Examination in which case he will be required to appear for the First Year B.Com.
Examination in the Head/s in which he has failed either previously or simultaneously with the Second Year B.Com.
Examination and his result of the Second Year B.Com. Examination will not be declared unless he has passed in the Head/s in which he has failed at the First Year B. Com. Examination.

A.T.K.T. provisions from Second Year B.Com. to Third Year B.Com.:
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Third Year B. Com. course must have either
(i) passed the First Year and Second Year B. Com. Examinations, or
(ii) passed the First Year B.Com.. Examination and have failed at the Second Year B.Com. Examination in not more than two Heads* of passing (i.e. not more than 200 marks), in which case he will be required to appear for the Second Year B.Com. Examination in the remaining Head/s in which he has failed either previously or simultaneously with the Third Year B.Com. Examination and his result of the Third Year B.Com. Examination will not be declared unless he has passed in the remaining Head/s of the Second Year B.Com. Examination.

Further, a candidate who has failed at the First Year B. Com. Examination in not more than two Heads of passing (i.e. not more than 200 marks) and has passed in all the subjects for the Second Year B. Com. Examination is permitted to keep terms and appear for the Third Year B. Com. Examination. But such a candidate will not be declared to have passed the Third Year B.Com. Examination unless he has passed in the concerned Head/s of the First Year B. Com. Examination.

A.T.K.T. provisions from First Year B.Sc. to Second Year B.Sc.:
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Second Year B.Sc. course must have either
(i) passed the First Year B.Sc. Examination, or
(ii) have kept terms for the First Year B.Sc. course and failed in
not more than two Heads of passing, total, of which shall not exceed 220 marks, in which case he will be required to appear for the First Year B.Sc. Examination in the Head/s in which he has failed either previously or simultaneously with the Second Year B.Sc. Examination and his result of the Second Year B.Sc. Examination will not be declared unless he has passed in the Head/s in which he has failed at the First Year B. Sc. Examination.

A.T.K.T. provisions from Second Year B.Sc. to Third Year B.Sc.:
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Third Year B. Sc. course must have either
(iii) passed the First Year and Second Year B. Sc. Examinations, or
(iv) passed the First Year B.Sc. Examination and have failed at the Second Year B.Sc. Examination in not more than two Heads* of passing, total, of which shall not exceed 300 marks, in which case he will be required to appear for the Second Year B.Sc. Examination in the remaining Head/s in which he has failed either previously or simultaneously with the Third Year B.Sc. Examination and his result of the Third Year B.Sc. Examination will not be declared unless he has passed in the remaining Head/s of the Second Year B.Sc.Examination. Further, a candidate who has failed at the First Year B. Sc. Examination in not more than two Heads of passing, total, of which shall not exceed 220 marks and has passed in all the subjects for the Second Year B. Sc. Examination is permitted to keep terms and appear for the Third Year B. Sc. Examination. But such a candidate will not be declared to have passed the Third Year B. Sc. Examination unless he has passed in the concerned Head/s of the First Year B. Sc. Examination.


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Anonymous said...

If he has a KT then he us not eligible to get admission in TY

Anonymous said...

If he has a KT then he us not eligible to get admission in TY

Unknown said...

I have drop in second yr in bsc.cs and I have 2 KT in first yr so can I get re addmission in second yr????

Anonymous said...

I have failed 1 sub in tybcom in 2010 can I reappear in 2017 for that sub if yes then what is the procedure

Unknown said...

I have 3 A.T.K.T. in T.Y.bcom 2004 can i apply for re exam only that 3 subject in 2017.

Unknown said...

u got any reply?

unknown said...

I got fail in sy bcom and had given my exam this oct/nov.2017. .If i clear my paper can i get admission in ty this year. Please help mi

S Bhandary said...

What are the rules for KT to be eligible for 3rd sem in Law

S Bhandary said...

What are the rules for KT to be eligible for 3rd sem in Law

Unknown said...

I already attempt 5 times k.t exams of s.y b.a now I want to know how many exam remaing to complete my s.y??

Dubey Pankaj said...

I am failed tybcom in 3 subject.
Can i give kt or full exam

Unknown said...

i have not cleared one of internals by just 4 marks and rest externals and others internals are all cleared.. and i am tybcom student.. my sem6 one internal shows not clear.. and i have my cet form filling date uptil 5th sept. what can i do?? can you please help.. do i waste onewhole year for just 4 marks internal??

Unknown said...

i have not cleared one of internals by just 4 marks and rest externals and others internals are all cleared.. and i am tybcom student.. my sem6 one internal shows not clear.. and i have my cet form filling date uptil 5th sept. what can i do?? can you please help.. do i waste onewhole year for just 4 marks internal??

Unknown said...

i have not cleared one of internals by just 4 marks and rest externals and others internals are all cleared.. and i am tybcom student.. my sem6 one internal shows not clear.. and i have my cet form filling date uptil 5th sept. what can i do?? can you please help.. do i waste onewhole year for just 4 marks internal??

Unknown said...

Dear chirag, even I am having the same situation now. Plz let me know what have you did?.Have you got any solution for this?.

Anonymous said...

I have pass S.Y.B.COM (mumbai university) 1 year back and last year and this year i didnt took admission for T.Y.B.COM can i take admission for next year for T.Y.B.COM from mumbai university plz help me. Due to my knee surgery has done last year 2 times so i didnt take admission and this year i am taking rest so didnt take admission.plz help me

Unknown said...

hello this is priyanka i wanted to ask that if i have passed my TYBA exam with pass class and now i want to give Re-exam to get better score is it possible or if it is possible ...can i give exam in annual pattern or in semester pattern,coz i have given the exam in annual pattern ,from whr i can fill my exam form .... from college whr i have been graduated or i have to visit the university?
plz help me ...

Killer15 said...

I am from batch 2008-09. Have ATKT in Account 1 paper in TYBCom from mumbai college. Can i still apply? If yes, can I find the exam form online.

Unknown said...

Fy plan bsc in sem 1 I am fail In all subject then I got another chance or direCt drop plzz reply

Shreyas chavare said...

You have to clear fy or sy completely that is you have to clear one of the year completely weather it's fy or sy

Anonymous said...

I am having atkt in 1st sem fybcom will i able to go in tybcom clearing sybcom?

Anonymous said...

i m samret shresat , i faled pls hlp

Anonymous said...

i prsad , i have 1 kt, but i still have GTX1050-Ti pc .

Anonymous said...

Yes. But either all fy kts must be clear or all sy kts. And you can't carry more than 2 kts per sem

Anonymous said...

Hi. I had failed in one subject in Tybcom in year 2000. Can I appear again now after 10 years only for that particular subject??

Unknown said...

Dear sir /mam
I am having 1 kt in 1st sem
2kt in 3rd sem
And 3 kt 4th sem so pleas suggest i am eligibleb to regular attend class ty

D Shah said...

If someone is not able to give one exam in FYBcom (exams currently going on), when will the re-exam for that subject happen? And, will that person get admission in TYBcom ?

mahendra said...

I passed m-com part-1 on may 17 and taken admission for November 2017 for m-com part-2 from idol yearly pattern.Am i eligible for mcom part-2 exam started as on may-18

Yogesh Sanjay Gorivale said...

Tu sikhne ke laayak he nhi hai

Anonymous said...

I am having a KT in bscit semi V 2013.I had attempted twice.can I apply now ?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hi i want to change my stream from bsc comp sci or bcom..i have cleared 1st and 2nd yr of comp science.. is it poss?

Unknown said...

how many seconds in a year PuzzleFry is the hub for interview puzzles, brain teasers, logic puzzles, brain games, riddles, Logical Questions, Math and Number Puzzles and quizzes.

Unknown said...

I am seeking admission for IDOL F.Y.B.Com. while filling HSC result date Year 2018 is not available, Maximum year is 2017.But I passed & get result in 2018 What should I do

Anonymous said...

I am TYBMS Student I had give my atkt exam this year but still I did not cleared it . I have got 23 marks in my subject what should I do further.
Help me out.
Humble request ..
Thank you.

Unknown said...

i am fail in eco sem 6 what rule said

Unknown said...

I have failed in 1 subject in fybcom and failed in 1 subject in I want to clear my sybcom how can I get kt examination form

Unknown said...

I Have Got KT In Internal Of IT in Tybcom sem 6 What I To Now To Clear Internal KT

Unknown said...

I am having kt in internals in 1 subject in tybcom in 6 sem can i get addmission mcom

Unknown said...

My sister had 2 atkt in bsc biotechnology last year shall she eligible for msc food technology

Unknown said...

I was in tybcom my 5th SEM is all clear bt I have fail in 1 sub. In internal exam of 6th SEM and all clear in external 6th sem exam so can I take admission in part 1?? is it possible ???

Unknown said...

i have not given my tybcom exam in year 2011 because of some problems and i have a kt in sybcom, now i want to complete my graduation can i take admission now?
please help.

Unknown said...

Same situation if u have got any answer pls do reply me back

Rishita said...

I have Kt in Economics Mcom PART1 SINCE 2003. Can it get cleared instead of giving all subjects. Any Alternative solution

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I'm currently in tybcom and 5th sem results are not out yet. I got kt in 1 subject of fybcom sem 2. Now will I get a drop in ty or can I give 6th sem?

Unknown said...

Please open admission once more i miss the chance
Please Sir

Unknown said...

College bro please tell

Unknown said...

If you clear that 2 kt then you get the admission in another college

Anonymous said...

Hello... I have cleared my fybsc but have 2 practical kt in 3rd sem... Can I take admission for tybsc?? Please help urgently

Unknown said...

Sir I have atkt in 5sem of tyba 2019 so when results are come

Unknown said...

If a student has 1kt in Fybcom & 1kt in Sybcom, will the student allowed for Tybcom ???

Roshan mutras said...

How many times ATKT attempt allowed in one subject of fybcom?

Unknown said...

I m in tybsc student I had appeared for my physical chemistry I did not get any attendance sheet to sign during starting hrs .i remember that sign was not taken on my paper so I inform to coorinadar sir before 15mins before exam got over .exam got over at 5.30 and I informed teacher at 5.15 that he had not taken my sign on attendance sheet .so afterward he had taken my sign on attendance sheet but he has mark me absent on first attendance sheet and send to according to universty I m abesnt for that paper that had taken the letter from my will be checked by universty or not ??? Or I will be mark as absent?? For that paper

Unknown said...

I had at kt in FyBcom 2nd sem math now I want to complete my graduation today I goes to my college for my math exam enqiry my principle say now we can't do any thing you go in university and enquiry there they will help you we can't sir help what to do now

Unknown said...

I have kt in 2nd semister math in fybcom 2012-13 today my Principle says we can't allow to give exam coz University has shut down that 60 40 exam so which pattern we allow to give exam pls I want to complete my graduation

Rolling Stone said...

Depend on how many kts u got
It is not allowed more than 2kt's in sem

Unknown said...

I have 2 KT in maths sem 3 and sem 4 ... Which i appeared in 2018 but i was not cleared... Now can i appear again for those exams...

Unknown said...

I have filed in 1 subject in ty bcom now I want to clear that exam in 2020
I m tired of asking questions in collage but getting no reply is others any who can guide me

Unknown said...

I have KT in first 3 semesters can I get admission in TY in bscit

Unknown said...

Dear Sir,

One of friend has passed his TY 1998 but he has 1 subject ATKT in SY BCom.which he has not cleared, can he give his SY BCom exams.
Secondly he has not received any passing certificate from College.
I know mark sheet will not be given unless ATKT is cleared. Can you please advice do he will get passing certificate from College.

Kindly confirm.

Best Regards
Ganesh Matta

Unknown said...

Hi i have 3 atkt 1st sem in but i have 2 years gap. Then how i can continue again?

rakshata said...

I failed in two subjects in tybcom can I appear for

Anonymous said...

I am having two KT from sybsc computer science. I failed in practical and one subject that reached more than 220 but not 250. So am I eligible in tybsc cs? I appeared in 2019 March.

Akhilesh said...

I had appeared in sem4 March 2019 exam of sybsc computer science. I failed in practical and one theory subject. This failed mark exceeds 220. Am I eligible for admission in tybsc cs?

Akhilesh said...

I had appeared in sem4 March 2019 exam of sybsc computer science. I failed in practical and one theory subject. This failed mark exceeds 220. Am I eligible for admission in tybsc cs?

Unknown said...

SEM 5 Clar and SEM 6i have 1kt I was attempting 3 time
Can I eligible to attend exam
If legible then or not

Raju Purohit said...

I had ATKT of economics in third year BCom in the year 2003 now i want to give re-examination. So which portion i have read current or previous of 2003 syllabus

Anonymous said...

If I got ATKT in 2 subjects in tybcom sem 5, what should I have to do?

Utkarsha02 said...

How many ATKT should be allow in semester 5 of bcom?

Anonymous said...

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